July Counselor
Howzat for a business buzzword? Everybody says it. Everyone wants it. How do we get it…? Well, Westgate works to do its part in helping you achieve some efficiency.
Dig this… Conrad Contractor, a customer for 11 years, wants to get some lighting items for a job he has coming up in a few days. Conrad needs some wall packs, some linear fixtures with nice corners (two different layouts 16’ x 4’ and a 14’ x 6’) and the fixtures must be RED to match Conrad’s customer logo RED, emergency exit signs, 24 downlights (4 groups of 6, each group with a different color temperature) and to finish it all off some really cool looking wall sconces. The sconces need to be RED too (Conrad’s customer’s logo RED).
Looks like you gotta go on a sourcing safari to three or four different vendors. Imagine that. Now imagine the linear and the sconces come from two different suppliers. Have you ever tried to match REDs…? Then think about trying to get two different vendors to match the RED that is Conrad’s customer logo RED?
Imagine the telephone conversations with two or three different reps and the four different vendors… Or you could get it all nailed down with one call to your Westgate rep. Westgate is the one vendor who has you covered on all parts of this deal. All of that goes on one purchase order to one vendor.
Plus you deliver a price that Conrad will be pleased with. And because Westgate has an iMAP program with lots of teeth you can be sure that when Conrad shops your price AFTER he has made the purchase you will not be embarrassed by what Conrad finds. Westgate knows that the long-term profitable relationship you have worked hard to cultivate with Conrad (and all of your customers) is important to you. Westgate works just as hard to help you hold and DEFEND that relationship with every business policy we develop and execute.
Three weeks later Conrad shows up again. “Wow, that was remarkable. The REDs were perfect. How’d you pull that off? Anyway, I got another one that I need to be sure goes just smooth. My customer has another building… I’ve been working hard to get this client’s business and if we can do this one just like the last I’ve got it! Let's be sure to use that Westgate stuff again”. That is EFFICIENCY with a capital E. That’s the way it ought to be.