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Why LED Lighting Is Important for Your Real Estate Organization

LED lighting is a highly effective and efficient form of illuminating spaces for various industries. Real estate properties in particular can benefit significantly from this form of lighting. Commercial LED outdoor lighting and indoor lighting can significantly enhance the efficiency, aesthetic appeal, and budget of real estate organizations. At Westgate Manufacturing, we offer a quality selection of outdoor and indoor LED lighting options that are ideal for illuminating the various areas of real estate properties.1. Increased Energy SavingsLEDs use much less electrical power for generating the same level of lighting compared to traditional lighting. To be more specific, 80 percent of the energy used by LED lights goes to generate actual light. The other 20 percent is dispensed as heat. The exact opposite is true for traditional light bulbs – around 80 to 90 percent of the energy used is dispensed as heat, while 10 to 20 percent goes toward producing actual light.2. Increased ComfortWhen it comes to producing artificial light, LED lights produce illumination that is closest to the look of natural sunlight.Because LED lighting imitates sunlight, it provides some of the benefits that exposure to sunlight does. This is true for commercial LED outdoor lighting and indoor lighting. LED provides a greater sense of comfort than traditional light bulbs and can help increase productivity.3. Brighter Illumination and Better VisibilityBrightness is another feature that separates LED lighting from traditional lighting, making LED lighting much more advantageous for real estate properties. They deliver stronger illumination and ideal visibility compared to standard light bulbs – both of these benefits are important for many activities indoors and outdoors.4. Longer Service Life and Less MaintenanceLED lights also have a longer service life than standard lighting options. LED bulbs can provide light for as long as 50,000 hours with some extending to 100,000 hours of service. Comparatively, halogen and incandescent bulbs have a much shorter lifespan of around 2,000 to 4,000 hours.The longer service life of LED bulbs also reduces the need for and the cost of maintenance over time when bulbs need to be replaced.5. No Toxicity Upon DisposalThe disposal of LED lights does not present an environmental issue since these lights do not contain any toxic material. This is unlike florescent bulbs which contain mercury and must be handled with special care after their service life has ended.For information about the residential and commercial LED outdoor lighting and indoor lighting we offer at Westgate Manufacturing, give us a call today at 877.805.2252 or complete our contact form.